Welcoming Lifesong into the new year has indeed been a challenge. You are probably wondering what has been going on with the pages that were once posted, but are no longer available. Well? I decided to further tweak the pages to make them feel complete.

The re-release date for this chapter will be in June. I intend on having weekly posts through June and July, and then go to a bi-weekly basis starting in August. I hope you enjoy the changes that are happening with all my works currently. If you absolutely cannot wait for the release, I will post them early, starting in May on my Patreon for all Patrons! In addition to, there will be bonus content available for this chapter there, once the chapter is complete.

I’m excited as you probably are for this brand new series, Lifesong. My goal is to have it ready by March 2017, but as crazy as my life is these days, this time frame is tentative. I plan on being dedicated to keeping up with all of my comics in 2017, hopefully, and I hope you enjoy all the new content!

I hope you’ll consider supporting my content(it’s still free if you don’t) on Patreon. You’ll be eligible for other cool rewards as well as viewing high quality comics before they’re published!